
Tlemcen, dubbed the "Pearl of the Maghreb", is a city in northwest Algeria, the capital of Tlemcen. The second city of importance after Oran on the west side, proud of its glorious and prosperous past, with Andalusian monuments rooted in the Grand Islamic Maghreb, and its picturesque natural sites is the "city of art and history" as George Marci called it.

With its rich artistic and timeless buildings, and with its glorious intellectual, cultural and political past, the generous efforts of nature and the creative efforts of mankind have combined to create a superior city that is enjoyable for thought, heart and spirit together. It has reached the highest position in beauty, majesty and perfection, and it is thanks to all that called the jewel of the Maghreb and Granada Africa.

The city is located within the vineyards and olive groves, and is famous for the leather, textile and textile industries. The impact of these impacts on the top of tourism in Algeria.


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Shariatoun Algeria