
Jarjara is a mountain chain located north of Algeria between the states of Tizi Ouzou, Bouira and Bejaia, which are on the Mediterranean border and form a long mountain range. The Jurgra Mountains consist of two parts: the northern slope, which includes a part of the state of Tizi Ouzou; the other is the southern slope, which consists of the northern part of the state of Bouira, and remains the largest in the state of Bejaia, with its picturesque scenery and one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. With winter snow. 

It is considered one of the best tourist areas. It is visited by locals and from all parts of the country and from abroad for the winter holidays in these highlands due to snowfall every winter from September to May or to practicing mountain sports in the refreshing cold air Or snowboarding. The local authorities have also developed a strategy to develop this area of tourist attractions to Algeria by preparing them as hotels,


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Shariatoun Algeria