
The city of Oran, or Bahia, a city that sleeps in the lap of magic and beauty, is considered the second largest city of Algeria, and the most beautiful and beautiful, it is one of the most important cities of the Maghreb, which occupies a prestigious place in history, this city overlooking the Gulf of Oran in the Mediterranean, Is one of the most important economic seaports, the most active and active.

 The city of Oran is one of the cities that have undergone many civilizations. The city has been inhabited by many people of different ages. It has been followed by many ruling dynasties, including Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Spanish occupiers and French, which has increased its cultural diversity and rich history. In every inch of this beautiful city, it is a symbol of human civilization, making it a tourist destination for tourists all over the world.

 The city of Oran is of great economic importance, where it embraces many small and large industries, in addition to oil industries, and it attracts trade through its large port, which led to its development and prosperity. For all these reasons, the city of Oran has several features, local, regional, The song became a very popular song. It is truly the city of music and joy, where many famous singers such as Cheb Khaled, Shabab Hosni and others were born.

The city of Oran deserves to be called the jewel of the Mediterranean Sea, because of its beautiful landmarks, the most important historical monuments of which are the Church of Santa Cruz, which is an important tourist destination, as well as the Palais des Beaux, the first square of November, the train station Oran, , The Temple of Santa Cruz, the Cathedral of Oran, and the regional theater of Oran, as well as the largest gathering of castles and military forts, and many other features of this ancient city, which is also characterized by the presence of religious architecture, because it is a city that witnessed a wonderful religious coexistenceFor many mosques and churches, which express religious tolerance among the population.

The city of Oran also has a great scientific status, with its embrace of the University of Oran, which is frequented by students from all over the country, and from the Arab world and abroad, thus enhancing the educational and cultural movement there. As for literature, Oran is an inspiration for many writers and writers. And literature, and has lived in which many of the writers, including Ibn Khaldun, and there are many shrines and shrines for the parents and the righteous.


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Shariatoun Algeria