
Description of Ghardaia city

The city of Ghardaia is a city and a municipality belonging to the province of Ghardaia located in the Algerian state of Ghardaia, located to the north of the desert of Algeria, and the seat of this state is about 600 km south of the capital of Algeria, the area of ​​this city about 86105 km², On the northern side are the state of Djelfa, the state of Laghouat, and the state of the whites. On the western side it is bordered by the state of Adrar, from the east by the state of Ouargla, and from the south by the state of Tamanrasset. This city is about 200 km from the capital of the state of Laghouat, about 200 km from the capital of the state of Ouargla, about 480 km from the capital of the state of Adrar, and separated from the capital of the state of Tamanrasset about 1400 km, and crosses from this city the national road number one linking the Algerian capital to the great south the magician.     

Monuments and monuments of Ghardaia

Al-Ataf Palace, founded in 1012 
 Banora Palace.
 Ghardaia Palace.
 Palace of Bani Yazdan.
 Malika Palace: Built in 1355 .
 Al Qarara Palace.
 Bryan Palace, which is about 40 km away.
This city is characterized by its proximity to many of the religious monuments; such as mosques, and chapels where many religious rites seasonal take place, in addition to containing traditional distinctive houses, palaces, which is a place for recreation and hiking in the summer, and which contribute to promoting the various trade .


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Shariatoun Algeria